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Pluriversofia provides time-place for communal healing form oppressive systems and rehearse different futures.

Pluriversofia provee tiempo-espacio para sanar en comunidad de sistemas opresivos y ensayar futuros diferentes.

Ven a PluriverSofia

Un universo donde caben muchos universos. Un espacio que celebra muchas sabidurías.

Come to PluriverSofia

A universe that welcomes many universes.

A space that celebrates many wisdoms.

Pluriverse + Sofia = PluriverSofia


Pluriverse – the idea that there are more than one or two kinds of ultimate realities; a plurality of universes; from pluralism: “a state of society in which members of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups maintain and develop their traditional culture or special interest within the confines of a common civilization”


Sofia – knowledge or wisdom


We must be purposed in taking time to refresh, rejuvenate, and restore. Our holistic wellbeing is an act of resistance against the evil powers of human exploitation. PluriverseSofia is a destination of endless possibilities with no boundaries. A place where we can exercise our imagination bringing our authentic selves into a community that is co-created to embrace the diversity of humanity. Here we open our beings to discover the greatness that the Divine Life Force has available for us. Divine Wisdom is all around us. Join us to find Her!

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